Wednesday, July 29, 2015

New Feature: Console Logs

Many users have requested that they be able to access the console logs, back to the beginning of their experiment. This can be handy, since the console shell may not have what you are looking for if it happened sometime in the past.

On the status page, there is a new context menu item:

When you click on "Console Log" a new window (or tab) is created, and after a few seconds the console log is inserted into the new window. The delay might be as long as five seconds, take a sip of coffee while you wait.

Note that the log does not update in real time, nor can you refresh the window because of how the access security is handled. You need to go back to the topology and the context menu to request a new download. If this becomes a problem, please let us know and we will see if we can do something about it.